Dear Foo,
As communicated, approximately at 0930hrs (22nd September 2010), I had cached Irshad was sleeping during conducting the Delay Playout via Pres Suite 6B. During the incident, Irshad was sit on the chair with both his legs was on top of the chair. He also was facing to the VO booth instead of facing to Pres Suite 6B monitor (monitoring the Pres Suite Output). Please take necessary action as this is not the first time his been cached sleep during the live event. Please do call me if you need further clarification.
putain !!! (sila google untuk mengetahui apa maksud perkataan ini). org jenis kaki repot, kaki bodek ni memang ada kat mana2. tapi lebih ketara di bandar2 besar. orang2 bijak pandai ada mengatakan, the further you go inside a city, the more selfish people get. damn, i miss the laidback life outside KL. kepada kaki repot yang telah berjaya mereport kat boss, tahniah, lu dah sedapkan bontot lu dgn jahanamkan orang lain. gua bukan tido pun. gua tutup mata je kejap sbb dah jemu tgk screen. takkan nak mata aku melekat dpn screen 24 jam??! kau boleh la, sebab tu mata kau lebam, merah, gigi kau kuning. sebab ko xde life, xde hygiene. hidup lu depan monitor je. blah la, lu eja catch pun salah! lagi pun, catch bukan la istilah yang tepat. it's 'caught', ok. bahasa macam har**jad**, macam mana lu boleh jadi senior ni??
hai cikgu english tapi carut in french. marah betul ni.
ReplyDeletesabar sabarrr. gisapkok gi. hikhik